What are the benefits and key steps of deploying microservices with Kubernetes?

For teams that are looking for a quick and reliable way to release complex systems, microservices can be an invaluable development practice.

Building and deploying microservices can be done with the Kubernetes container orchestration system, which automates software deployment, scaling, and management. In fact, in many ways, Kubernetes and microservices are a perfect combination, as Kubernetes can handle the orchestration required in order to deploy multiple instances of individual microservices.

So, let’s take a closer look at the steps involved in deploying microservices via Docker containers, and how Kubernetes can be used to manage and scale those microservices.

Introducing Kubernetes for microservices

Kubernetes – also sometimes referred to as “kube”, or k8s – is an open-source container orchestration platform that can be used to automate many of the manual processes required for the deployment, management, and scaling of containerised applications.

Given how difficult it can be to manage individual containers, it shouldn’t be too surprising that so many teams faced with this challenge turn to a trusted tool for deployments in containerised environments, such as Kubernetes.

It is a largely and rapidly growing ecosystem for which crucial services and support are also easily available. This, as far as many teams are concerned, helps to make k8s the best way to deploy microservices.

What are the benefits of Kubernetes for microservices?

So, you now know that “kube” is a reputable choice of platform for the deployment of microservices – but is Kubernetes the optimal fit for your own project?

To aid you in making that decision, here are some of the key advantages Kubernetes can offer for microservices deployment architecture:

  • Self-healing: you can’t guarantee that a particular container won’t fail at some point. Fortunately, if that was to come to pass when you use Kubernetes, the platform would simply automatically replace the container, to ensure the application’s continued health
  • Declarative configuration management and version control: one can use source control software – such as Git – to control the YAML formatted files storing Kubernetes configurations. The configurations can be applied as a means of creating or updating resources.
  • Scalability: you won’t have to worry about compromised performance as a result of an unmanageable load when you incorporate Kubernetes into your microservice deployment strategy. Even at times of high demand, the platform simply horizontally scales the number of containers running a microservice.
  • Zero downtime: deploying microservices with Kubernetes also means being able to create additional pods with a newly released image, all without the existing containers being destroyed. Then, with the new containers up and running, teams can just introduce updates and remove old containers, to help guard against any interruptions brought by downtime.
  • Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud: IT teams can easily avoid vendor lock-in with the help of k8s – they can select a cloud platform onto which to place workloads, such as Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform.
  • Secrets management: if you’re concerned about sensitive details – such as passwords – being exposed in container images, you can help lower this risk using Kubernetes, which supports secret objects with help from the etcd database.
Outlining Kubernetes components

There are various components that can be instrumental in deploying to Kubernetes – including:

  • Pods, which are the smallest deployable units of computing that it is possible to create and manage in Kubernetes. A pod can be described as a group of one or more containers, incorporating shared storage/network resources, and a specification for how the containers are to be run. Pods are used for the storage and management of docker containers.
  • ReplicaSets; the purpose of one of these is to keep a stable set of replica pods running at any given time. You may use a ReplicaSet, for instance, to guarantee that a certain number of identical pods will always be available.
  • Deployments, which deliver declarative updates for pods and ReplicaSets. In a deployment, it is possible to describe a desired state, with the Deployment Controller changing the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate. In effect, deployments are an abstraction of ReplicaSets, which in turn, are an abstraction of pods. If, then, you require pods, you shouldn’t create them directly; instead, the creation of deployment objects will lead to the automatic generation of a ReplicaSet and pods.
  • Service, which can be described as an abstract way to expose an application running on a set of pods as a network service. The use of Kubernetes won’t require you to modify your application in order to use an unfamiliar service discovery mechanism.
  • Secret: with a Kubernetes “Secret”, it is possible to store and manage sensitive information such as passwords, ssh keys, and OAuth keys. The storage of confidential information in a Secret is a safer and more flexible option than placing it verbatim in a pod definition or in a container image.

How can you install and run Kubernetes on a local environment?

There are several means by which you may look to install and run Kubernetes on a local environment. Following the Docker Kubernetes installation, you should go to the Docker settings and enable Kubernetes.

Keeping to the basics, deploying to Kubernetes will essentially entail choosing whether to do so imperatively or declaratively. Imperative Kubernetes deployment involves working on CLI with kubectl commands, while in the case of declarative configuration, you simply need to tell Kubernetes what you want, and the platform will know how to respond.

Later stages of the process of deploying Kubernetes to a local environment include the creation of the Mongo Db Deployment yaml file, the use of k8s Secret Values in the Mongo Deployment yaml file, the running of the Kubernetes manifest file, and the building of Shopper Docker Images.

Allow us to help you get the best out of microservices projects

Would you like to learn more about the finest aspects of microservices deployment strategy and container orchestration, from our own professionals who possess considerable expertise in the deployment of all manner of microservices projects?

If so, please do not hesitate to connect with MindCraft for further discussion today, so that we can provide the right advice, solutions, and support for your specific requirements.

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How to ensure successful infrastructure modernization?

Whether you are using technology to unlock massive business value or to create efficient solutions or to enhance customer experience, it is vital for you to manage and monitor the underlying infrastructure of your applications and systems. Outdated infrastructure and redundancies can prove to be detrimental to your business goals and cause much harm to the performance of your applications.

Why is IT Infrastructure Modernization required?

You can enjoy better return on your software infrastructure investment with modernization. By modernizing your IT infrastructure, you can free up vital resources, optimize performance and make your systems nimble and better prepared to meet business objectives. With a comprehensive approach to Infrastructure Modernization, you can enjoy a host of benefits including

  • Cost Savings
  • Optimization of Software and other Assets
  • Mitigation of run-time issues
  • Scalability
  • Better Customer Experience

Complete a thorough assessment of your current infrastructure

Assess your current infrastructure to improve effectiveness, enhance productivity, mitigate disasters, and improve user experience. Ask these questions to assess the effectiveness of your current IT Infrastructure.

  • What are your business needs related to IT?
  • What is currently going well?
  • What can you improve?
  • What is outdated?
  • How can you change it?
  • What is the objective you are trying to achieve through modernization?
  • Will modernization solve your current business challenges?
  • How will this impact your business?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Are you leveraging cloud?
  • Is there new technology you need to invest in?
  • Are you well prepared for disaster?
  • Is your current team capable of supporting your modernization strategy?
  • Do you have the in-house expertise to identify the right infrastructure that will be scalable for your business?
  • Do you need to outsource to a reliable Managed Service Provider?

Partner with an expert

Doing everything on your own can be expensive, so it is advisable that you seek help from the right professionals. Don’t fall into the trap of upgrading your software infrastructure requirements without enough expertise. An experienced software infrastructure service provider can help you optimize your current software assets, modernize your infrastructure, and ensure you stay compliant. We at MindCraft are happy to have a chat with you about your requirements. Connect with us today.

Rebuild your infrastructure strategy

Reviewing and upgrading your software infrastructure requires an exhaustive plan. Develop a robust IT infrastructure strategy by partnering with an expert that can help you make the right decisions. The right strategy can help you unlock great value from your infrastructure investment in the form of virtualization, cloud, etc. But when you are creating this, ensure that cost cutting is not the primary driver for your decisions. You need to look at the bigger picture and decide what’s best for the long-term objectives of your business.

Plan incremental and iterative improvements

Next, consult an expert and create a clear roadmap for the successful completion of our infrastructure modernization initiative. Modernization does not mean you need to change everything and abandon what’s already working. Instead, you should look at leveraging technological advancements to enhance your infrastructure and build it further so that your systems are robust and better suited to cater to the changing demands of today’s dynamic application landscape. An incremental approach is recommended over a complete overhaul in one-shot.

Choose the right technology stack

Select a technology stack that aligns best with your business priorities and requirements. Choose a platform that is robust, widely supported, and up to date with technology advancements. When in doubt, outsource this to a reliable technology service provider with proven expertise.

Plan for service integration and management

When you plan your task force to breathe life into your infrastructure modernization initiatives, set up a team that will own all incidents from beginning to end. This team will also be responsible for finding resolutions. Ensure that you support the team with standardized processes and tools that they can adhere to.

Focus on Scalability

As you grow your business, you will need to build scalability and your infrastructure will play a critical role in this. Think about increasing capacity of existing systems and supporting them with additional devices, in lines with the projected growth of your business.

Manage performance

Achieve desired business outcomes by aligning performance management of your infrastructure to your unique business goals. Ensure that the right metrics are monitored and linked to an outcome or a process post modernization.

Follow these 4 best practices

With the right partner, software, and tools, you can ensure successful modernization of your infrastructure. To ensure optimal performance of your applications, follow these software infrastructure best practices.

1) Proactively monitor your IT infrastructure with visualization tools
2) Automate repetitive tasks
3) Integrate with the right tools to improve fault management
4) Leverage reports for forecasting

Would you like to discuss your infrastructure modernization requirements with our experts, who have extensive expertise in implementing, modernizing, and managing software infrastructure service projects?

Please do not hesitate to connect with MindCraft for a discussion, so that we can provide the right advice, solutions, and support for your business needs.

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4 Best Practices for Smooth Deployment Automation

Are you struggling with timely deployments? Do you wish to have hassle-free, smooth deployments across environments? Deployment Automation is the one-stop solution for all your deployment worries.

Timely feedback and quality testing of deployed software is crucial for faster releases. For this, the testing teams need to have access to the software to conduct comprehensive testing immediately after the code has been changed by the developers. However, in case of manual deployments, there are often delays.

Automation lets you mitigate the risk associated with production deployments. However, to ensure proper deployment, you should adopt this 3-step approach:

  • Scripting

With scripts you can have certain actions triggered automatically in specific environments once specified conditions are fulfilled.

  • Continuous Integration Servers

Applications can be automatically deployed as part of the build process with CI servers like Jenkins. The deployment is triggered with the help of scripts.

  • Deployment Tools

Deployment tools such as Jenkins, Microsoft Visual Studio, IBM Urban Code, AWS CodeDeploy, Bamboo, Codar can help you automate your deployments.

While designing your automation deployment process, you can adopt these best practices:

1. Consistent Packages across Environments

As a practice, use the same package for every environment so that packages you deploy to production are the same ones you tested. This is possible by keeping environmentspecific configuration separate from packaging.

2. Same Deployment Process

Once you have put together your deployment process, ensure that it is the same for every environment, including production. By doing this, you would have tested your deployment process a few times before it is implemented for production.

3. Version Control

Ensure that you can recreate the state of any environment from the information saved in version control. This helps make deployments repeatable and also enables the state of production to be restored in a disaster recovery scenario.

4. Simplify the Process

While working on automating the deployment process, ensure that it is simple. Include these steps as part of the automation process:

  • Package codes in a manner that they are suitable for deployment
  • Create containers where possible
  • Restart servers, applications and services
  • Generate configuration files from templates
  • Run automated deployment tests
  • Take care of scripting and automating database migrations

By automating the deployment process, you can be assured of reliable, efficient and smooth deployments. This can further help you develop faster, improve productivity and mitigate errors occurring due to manual interventions. Partnering with a reliable service provider like MindCraft which has extensive experience in Deployment Automation, can help you get rid of your deployment woes.

So what do you do to deliver better applications in a faster and safer manner?

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